
 The Human Essence


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III. April 20, 1998: Paying Attention to Your Essence
Why Should We Pay Attention To Our Essence?
     Our nation was founded on the concept that we all have a right to Life, Liberty and the
Pursuit of Happiness. If that is what we truly want for ourselves, then there is no better way than
for each of us to pay attention to our Essence, who is interested in exactly the same goals.
     Without the Essence, our body will have no Life. The Essence is the very source of our
life energy, our ki, our kundalini, whatever you care to call it. It is devoted to keeping us alive and
functioning in our  society and warns us when danger is near. It's Prime Directive is to maintain
life so that we can complete and accomplish our Life Plan.
     Liberty is freedom from domination by other humans. This carries with it an obligation to
make responsible decisions for ourselves and the willingness to carry out those decisions. The
Essence is interested only in the welfare of its Charge, no one else. Since each human has an
Essence, one person's Essence need not attend to the need of any Charge but its own. When we
have Liberty, we then have many options to choose from in our daily lives. We can never have
had enough training or book learning to be able to know intellectually the best way to behave in
every novel situation. These are the times we must look upwards with our eyes, go to the "higher
plane of thinking," and access the wisdom, knowledge and advice of our own Essence. We must
do something, we know that. What we do not know is what the best action to take might be. If
we use "enlightened self interest," we want to choose a course of action which will result in no
one being harmed, and all being benefitted. A Win-Win solution is always to be preferred to a
Win-Lose or Lose-Lose solution, if we take a long-term view of the problem. Our true self-
interest is best served by being on good terms with whoever is likely to have the most important
impact on our lives. Alienating our neighbors is eventually self-destructive. Only when we ask our
Essence to guide our actions can we know what is best to do to stay friendly with all around us.
     The Pursuit of Happiness implies being on a path that will lead to true personal spiritual
growth and development. This is what is accomplished by following one's own Life Plan. How do
we know we are on the right path? We feel good about ourselves and what we are doing. We are
not necessarily happy, but we know we are pursuing happiness. How do we know what will make
us happy if we have never had that particular experience? We cannot from our own knowledge
and background. Only our Essence knows fully what our Life Plan is, and therefore what will
make us happiest. Our Essence knows we will be happy when we take on specific duties and
responsibilities which might now seem too scary to ever be enjoyable.
     How many people have taken on challenges that were seemingly impossible? They do it
every day. Why? Because their Essences have told them that that is what they are to do at this
time in their lives, because their Essences know that they must accomplish those tasks to complete
and accomplish their specific Life Plans. Only the Essence can know what will most please its
Charge when that Charge accomplishes the difficult tasks ahead for it.
Each In Their Own Way
     How any one person best pays attention to his or her Essence is an individualized matter.
Each of us has a different way to pay attention to quiet messages from inside our head. Some
people believe that meditation is the way to do it. Some are able to go into self induced hypnotic
trances and feel that is the way to go. Others find a quiet place and the best time of day to be
alone and feel that is the way to go. I can only tell others of how I have done it for myself, which
may not be useful for anyone else.
My Introduction to Michael, My Essence
     Many years ago, "Sylvia," my most flamboyant MPD patient in Santa Cruz, told me that
she could see my Essence hovering beside my left ear, trying to talk to me through that ear. She
wished I would listen, as he was trying to tell me what to say to her during therapy. If I would
only listen, I would say the correct things to help her. She even had a name for "him," Michael. 
     I got used to the idea of someone called Michael trying to tell me how to do therapy,
especially since there was no one in the human world who knew how to treat these patients of
mine. When I met my first patient with MPD, there was only one short article in one psychiatric
journal on how to treat this disorder. The subject had never been mentioned in my training
centers. The only personal exposure I had to MPD was viewing the black-and-white movie, "The
Three Faces of Eve," when I was in the USAF stationed in Alabama in 1957. There were no
experts on treatment of MPD to whom I could turn. I had only Michael to turn to.
     I thought it was a fine idea, even if it wasn't true, to have some kind of a spiritual advisor
always there to tell me what I needed to know. When I was on call for hospital emergencies, I
would often get a panic call from the nurse, giving me the bare outline of some crisis one of my
patients was having. It would take me ten minutes to drive to the hospital. During the trip, I knew
I had better come up with a plan, once I arrived at the ward.  To do that, I went up to a higher
level in my mind, and let the ideas flow. And flow they did. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I
would have laid out in my mind exactly what I needed to do, what equipment I would need to get
at my office first, who should be there at the bedside, and what actions to take to calm the patient
down. The great thing is that it always worked. I never failed to deal successfully with any of
these crises. Now I give full credit to Michael, my Essence, for laying out the plans. I had no
other source for such information.
     Unfortunately, when I was dealing with nonprofessional matters, such as arguments with
my wife, I did not use this method to figure out what to do better. I relied on my old standby
methods, like losing my temper and going for a long drive to cool down. This did not solve
anything, and matters got worse. Only in dealing with my patients did I resort to listening to these
inner messages, as the risk malpractice suits and the loss of reputation were too high to ignore.
That was the way I made my living.
     After I retired and started writing the story of my most complicated multiple from Yolo
County, I kept advising the subject, "Marie," to listen to her Essence, Becky. Marie and Becky
had disconnected (dissociated) when Marie was six months old, and Marie often insisted on
exercising her Free Will and ignoring the advice Becky tried to give her inside her head. In the
past this had led to many problems, including suicide attempts. I repeatedly told her to listen to
Becky. Eventually, I realized that I was not setting a good example, because I was not often
listening to Michael. So I determined to do better, and started doing it with automatic typing at
my computer.

Automatic Writing
     I set up the page on the monitor screen with the title "Messages from Michael." Then I
consciously wrote a question which someone else might be able to answer. Questions such as,
"How can I get peace on earth?" would be impossible for anyone, including Michael, to answer.
The questions that worked best were those relating to some personal interaction I was faced with
that day, and involved choices I need to make. I wanted to make the best choice in the time
allotted. I then tried to get myself into a state of artificial dissociation in which I allowed Michael
to take over my fingers and type on the keyboard answers to my questions. I picked the time as
early in the morning, when I was first awake and alert.
     I eventually learned to type out the questions and then let my fingers do the typing of the
answer. Sometimes I heard the words first in my mind, and typed them out. Sometimes, I would
know what to write for the first few words, and then the rest would just come flowing out. In
doing so I collected a raft of interesting comments. I always checked with Becky to see if I was
doing it correctly.  I found that the biggest contamination was my own fantasy or wish fulfillment,
resulting in comments that were not accurate. Whenever I let my emotions take over and write
what I wanted to read, it was never the way it should be. Becky would be sure to tell me where I
did that. 
Advising Others
     For ethical reasons, I only use that method for my own affairs. I never will use it to advise
others, as I don't want my own wish fulfillment ideas to be what anyone else gets for advice. I
would rather have the other person do it himself, and then take responsibility for whatever is
produced. If one follows one's own writing, that is taking responsibility for ones own actions. I
will not be  responsible for telling someone else how to live their life.
Still, Small Voice Within
     When I asked Becky why she did not simply yell loudly to get Marie's attention, she told
me that that would confuse her Charge. Noisy commands issue from the neurotic part of the
Emotional Self. When we hear loud and insistent messages, like, "You will end up just like your
no-good father!" they are not from the Essence, but messages we have encoded (internalized)
from abusive relatives. 
Letting the Essence Take Over the Body
     When watching a TV interview, I always find it interesting to determine when the person
being interviewed lets his or her Essence into the interaction. If the interviewer asks a particularly
difficult question which the interviewee had not expected but decides to answer, the interviewee
aims his or her eyes skyward, so that only the lower portion of the iris is showing. In extreme
cases, a large portion of the white of the eye will be showing above the lower lid. The person may
remind the viewer of someone who is internally praying for guidance, by looking toward the
heavens. This upward gaze is the maneuver which easily allows the Essence to enter into
consciousness to provide ideas and even full sentences at this time of need. After a few seconds of
gazing at the ceiling, while the face is still aimed at the audience, the interviewee then produces a
carefully measured intellectual answer to the difficult question. 
     I have used a simple mental command to Michael to let him take over when I am in a
difficult situation. The first time I did this was when I had spent the morning in court testifying in
the felony criminal trial about a defendant I had diagnosed as having MPD when I saw him first in
the local jail. With the exception of the defense attorney, none of the other officials in court had
any sympathy with my explanation for why he had assaulted and robbed the wife of the local
public health officer. By noontime, the hostile cross examination had wiped me out emotionally.
     While lunching with the attorney, I complained that I didn't know if I could hold up under
cross examination all afternoon. Then I thought to myself, "Why should I do it? Let Michael
testify." So, when I went back on the stand, I mentally sat there and lent my vocal chords to
Michael, acting as a passive bystander to myself testifying. I don't mean to imply that I had an
out-of-body experience, but I felt I had deliberately given over my body to someone who could
do a better job than I could.
     As a result, I sailed through the afternoon without much effort, and my testimony was
relevant, accurate, and without emotional defensiveness. What was most important to me was that
I found I could get through a tough situation calmly and accomplish what needed to be done
without destroying my own emotional balance. I have since used this approach in other courtroom
scenes, where I needed to tread carefully in my testimony. It always worked out well.
Naming Your Essence
     Since the degree of hypnotizability is inborn and constant throughout life, not everyone
can put themselves into a trance to listen to their Essence. Those with a higher degree of
hypnotizability will find this is the easiest way to dissociate and let their Essences' messages come
through. Those on the lower end of the scale will have to try something else. But once you think
of your Essence as a named entity, it gives you more of a tool to do whatever you decide to do to
listen to "him." You have to think of him as "real" in order to listen to him. If you would look
back on your life to the many times you have weathered a storm because you chose to listen to
"him," you can soon convince yourself that there was "someone" there to guide you. There was!
Individual Life Plans
     It is important to keep in mind that the actions your Essence advises you to take are all for
the purpose of keeping you in your Life Plan. Your Essence  is not interested in taking care of
other people's needs. Your Essence is there for you alone, not for anyone else. Since each human
has an Essence, there is no need for yours to concern "himself" with the needs of anyone else. But
your Essence will not tell you to do something which will harm someone else, except in the
interest of your own self defense.
Setting Up Hard Times for Its Charge
     Since your Essence wants you to be involved in groups and situations in which you will
learn the lessons you need to learn in this phase of your Life Plan, it may engineer difficult times
for you at work, or in other relationships. Here is where we need to become aware of the "writing
on the wall." The Essence will cause our coworkers to start being unpleasant toward us, if it
wants us to change jobs or careers. Everything will go wrong, one mess after the other. Take the
message early rather than later. If you don't commit yourself to a change, your Essence will
rachet up the level of harassment until you can't stand the situation anymore and have to move
onto greener pastures. The Essence does not want you to be miserable, but it will use your
discomfort to get you to moving on. When you are back in the middle of your Life Plan, then you
will feel gratified by what is going on around you, and your Essence will be bringing into your life
pleasant people again. 
Timing of Contact with the Essence
     To clearly listen inside your mind to your Essence you need to be free from outside
influences. Therefore, the timing can be crucial. People find that they can better communicate
with their Essences best in certain situations. Some will prefer bedtime. Some will prefer doing it
while listening to classical music. Some will prefer doing it while sunbathing. Some may prefer to
do it while doing exercises or jogging. The Emotional Self needs to be calm at the time and
willing to stop exercising its Free Will to "do its own thing" for a while.
Win-Win Answers To Problems
     The most significant difference between messages from the Emotional Self and the
Essence is that the Essence is only concerned with solving problems with a Win-Win solution.
The Emotional Self is interested in revenge, justice, and what is moral in the culture. The Essence
is not. The Emotional Self will be satisfied with a temporary Win-Lose solution to problems. 
     It may seem a paradox that the Essence, which is in close contact with "The Creator," is
not concerned with moral issues. For the Essence, all moral codes are seen as man-made
"universal rules" of conduct. Such conduct is always either Right or Wrong, regardless of who
does it, or when and where it is done. Only the Emotional Self operates on such rules, which are
different in each clan, religion, country and era. Since there are no rules in Thoughtspace, there
are no rules which the Essence must follow. Since it cannot be destroyed, there is no physical
punishment which anyone can apply to it. What would be the result if it breaks a rule? Who is
there to rule on the infraction and prescribe a punishment? Yes, it has "supervisors" but they see
rules in the same light and are there to guide, teach, advise, and assist the Essence in doing its job.
Two Kinds of Ethics
     In the study of ethics, this is called the difference between "Legal Ethics" and "Situational
Ethics." In our world, both methods are being used by each of us every day. The methods of
applying each method are different. Legal Ethics is the domain of the Emotional Self, and is
illustrated by our Constitution. It is a set of statements prescribing what is Right and Wrong for
all Americans. But we need a Supreme Court to interpret it as new items, such as the Internet, are
invented, items which the writers of the Constitution could not predict and write rules for. Then
we need a Justice Department to find and deal with the violators of those rules. Then we need a
court and prison system to punish those who violate those rules, and on and on.  All of this is
managed by the Emotional Selves of those human involved in social control of mass populations.
     In contrast, the "Situational Ethics" method has no rule other that to make a decision that
will not hurt anyone. Everyone should be a winner. There are no limits imposed on the person
making this decision, and what might appear "immoral" in the abstract is quite useful and practical
in this particular situation. What is most important are the details of this particular situation. Who
is involved, what are their needs and belief systems, and what would be the actual penalty of each
proposed action? Yes, the Essence has to know the Legal Ethical issues involved before making a
decision. Is the person willing to go to jail for this cause or not? If not, then any action that is a
law violation would be ruled out. The Essence will often recommend an action which the person
has never done before, so the Emotional Self has not considered it a possible course of action. But
the Essence can make reasonable predictions for short term results, based on its knowledge of the
mental dynamics of all persons involved in the conflict. It knows the Essences of the other humans
involved, so it can predict how they would most likely react to each stimulus. It knows what
behavior the other human has shown in similar situations, even though the Emotional Self does
     A well functioning Essence will not recommend any action which will kill another person,
in most situations. To say that it NEVER will do so imposes a RULE on the Essences. It may be a
situation where the other person involved is living the last day of his Life Plan and "ceasing to
exist" is the next step. In such a case, death of the other individual will be one available option to
the Essences involved. Both Essences would have to confer and agree before one person would
be allowed to kill the other. But if all Essences involved agree that no one is to die that day, then
they will work out a less drastic solution between them. It will then be up to the Emotional Self to
act on that "idea which just popped into my head."
Personal Rules of Conduct
     When any human has been through a similar crisis before, such as an alcoholic losing his
job again, his Emotional Self knows what actions have been successful in the past in coping with
this old crisis pattern. The first time his Essence may have told him what to do to survive, and it
worked. This action then may become a "rule of conduct" of that person, and so it is the "right
thing" for him to do when he loses his next job. But it is not a rule of conduct for anyone else but
him, with his particular makeup and social situation.
Solving New Crises
     When talking to people in crisis, who do not know what to do next, one needs to get them
calm enough to first discuss what they have always done in the past with similar situations. When
they have exhausted the list of options that worked in the past, and why they are not suitable for
now, then they must be encouraged to let their minds open up to new ideas. That is when the
Essence will offer new ideas which they never had before. If encouraged to do so, they will then
say something like, "I had this crazy idea come into my head the other day that I should do [new
action]. It sounded crazy when it first came to me, but now, after talking to you, I think it just
might work. What do you think of it?" 
     That is the point where the pros and cons of using that option need to be discussed before
going on, but this is the time that the Essence has a chance to contribute a new and potentially
useful idea into a situation where the person has run out of options based on past experience. In
the discussion with such persons, the counselor also needs to be in touch with his or her Essence
so that ideas which come to mind can be offered as tentative suggestions for the troubled person
to think about adopting. This is not the time to demand the person does what the counselor
wants, as that is imposing the counselor's rules on the other person. But the two Essences
working together will formulate a workable plan to get the person unstuck, and on the road to
recovery. That is all anyone needs at that time.

Life Plans Again
     The main point to keep in mind is that none of us can know the Life Plan of another
person. We do them no favors by trying to impose the actions required by our Life Plan on them.
They must go on their own journey and we must go on ours. Obviously the two interconnect and
are linked, or we would not be talking to them. But all we need to offer is the idea that we made it
this far, and they can, too. They need to be encouraged to activate the same source of practical
wisdom, their Essence, as we did when we hit our roadblocks.
     Many people have reported important "coincidences" in their lives when they "just
happened" to meet someone who later became very important in their lives. The message that my
informant Essences have repeatedly given me is that they are responsible for these "fortuitous"
actions, which were all planned by them to benefit their Charges. THERE ARE NO
COINCIDENCES. These meetings of strangers have been carefully planned and choreographed
to bring about certain opportunities for the humans involved, as they needed to take actions which
were essential for the accomplishment and completion their Life Plans. Nothing is left to chance
by the Essences. They have all the tools available, including detailed knowledge of our inner
motivations and what will "push our buttons." They know our limits and how to push us to them.
If need be, they can take over our body and take action our cooperation or knowledge. 
     A problem occurs after the Essences of two individuals maneuver them into meeting and
talking to each other and taking whatever corrective action is appropriate, but the Emotional Self
of one is too frightened or angry to take advantage of the situation. That is when their Free Will
intervenes, and they refuse to negotiate. Their Essences will have to try again. They will do so,
over and over again, until the Emotional Selves of the two parties do it right. If they cannot
accomplish it in this life, they may have to do it in the next reincarnations of both. So it is best if
we do the job of improving or utilizing the relationships now, while we have the chance. Our Life
Plans prescribe it, and we will only postpone the inevitable.    

  Copyright© 2024 - Ralph B. Allison