
THE GREAT DECEPTION An addendum to the workshop manual on The Human Essence by Ralph B. Allison, M.D. When I first was talking with the Spiritual Professor CIE, Charity, about some of our commonly accepted cultural beliefs, she told me that they were illogical. When I asked her why so many people had believed them for so many centuries, she said, "There are a part of The Great Deception. But now ourselves have come to tell you the truth, as The Creator has decided that it is time for The Great Deception to come to an end." This process, as shown by the Hebrew Bible alone, is described by Theology Professor Richard Elliott Friedman in his "The Disappearance of God: A Divine Mystery," published in 1995 by Little, Brown, & Co, Boston. Here is a quote from the description of the text in the book jacket: "He begins with a fresh, insightful reading of the Hebrew Bible, revealing the profound mystery and significance of the disappearance of God there. Why does the god who is known through miracles and direct interaction at the beginning of the Bible gradually become hidden, leaving humans on their own by the Bible's end? How is it possible that the Bible, written over so many centuries by so many authors, depicts this diminishing visible presence of God and the growing up of humankind so consistently? Why has this not been common knowledge? Friedman then investigates this phenomenon's place in the formation of Judaism and Christianity." The Great Deception is The Creator's version of a parent's use of "reverse psychology" with recalcitrant children. If you tell a child he can't do something, he will do just that as soon as he is out of the parent's sight. As The Creator created humans, The Creator knows how humans act, perceive and assume. The Creator knows how to manipulate us humans into doing what we should do but don't want to do. Since The Creator has endowed each of our Emotional Selves with Free Will to ignore our Life Plans, we are frequently doing what is not in our best interest, from the point of view of The Creator. So The Creator has had to manipulate us into doing what we needed to do. Milton Erickson, the master hypnotist, learned how to do this in hypnosis and so "manipulated into compliance" many patients he treated. Just tell a person he shouldn't do something, and he runs off and does it. Societies go through several sequential phases of spiritual and social development. We start out as members of hunter-gatherer tribes. We have no regular homeland, as we move from place to place, depending on where the food is most plentiful. We are in a survival learning mode, and the shaman is our guide to the "Spirit World," the other universe in which the CIE reside full- time. The shaman's role in the hunter-gatherer society is to teach each tribal member how to communicate with his or her Essence and CIE so as to work in harmony with them. The Creator is known as The Great Spirit by Native Americans who are in this mode. The CIE are known as the spirits of nature and are known to each member of the tribe as important, living, intelligent beings. There is no Great Deception for these tribal members. When a tribe progresses to a certain size, it seems prudent to settle down and start farming. This phase, the agricultural phase, brings certain new requirements. Land is surveyed and made "property" of the first claimant. Before then, land was considered the property of The Creator, and humans only borrow it for a while. But when we plant sweet potatoes on that land, we feel we now have a "right to own private property." So we set up rules and regulations to decide who owns which piece of dirt. That requires fences and starts fights over the rights of each farmer. That leads to the need for a criminal justice system. As soon as the tribe settles down in one place, one member decides that he will be the one to set the rules of how everyone else is to behave. He is in a control phase of his life plan. The tribal members have been taught by the shaman that there is something they come to call a God (The Great Spirit), and they frequently locate "Him" in the sky on some star. This member declares himself the tribe's sole correspondent with their God, and only he can tell them what their God wants them to do. This is the start of The Great Deception for that tribe. This member declares himself a religious leader, the one and only conduit for instructions from The Creator, known then as "our God." This "Bishop" establishes a church with its own building as the only place were the tribesmen can properly worship their God, and he sets the terms for belonging to his church. One of the first rules he sets was that the shaman is an agent of the Devil, a Fallen Angel, another part of The Great Deception. This gives him the "right" to have the shaman executed, since he has to get rid of all his competitors. The primary goal of this "Bishop" is to have control over the behavior of his fellow tribesmen, by claiming that their God has this long list of social behavior rules to follow, and he has been appointed by God to make sure they did it His way. But only the Bishop knows what His way really is. This is the start of the criminal justice system. It is a necessary part of the cultural development of the tribe, and The Creator knows it and allows it to continue. When Moses was leading the Jews out of Egypt into Israel, he faced a similar problem. Only Moses had been raised in a law abiding community, the royal court in Egypt. That is why he was chosen to lead them. The rest of the group were socially very primitive, as they were slaves. They were used to being told what to do and when to do it. On the march, they acted abominably, and Moses had to do something to bring order out of chaos. He had no parliament to pass laws, no police departments to enforce them, no judges and courts to pass sentences of punishment, and no jails to put criminals into. He was all alone out there in the desert with a big problem on his hands. His tribesmen were running wild and wouldn't stop misbehaving. His answer was the only logical one under the circumstances. The Creator told the CIE to create a burning bush to impress everyone and to give Moses a set of stones with the Ten Commandments cut into them. This list of ten social rules of conduct was essential for these primitive humans to follow, or they would never get to Israel alive. The only force behind them was the humans' fear of their God, whom they saw as a wrathful Father figure. Moses used their particular image of God as his needed bully-boy, and it worked. His subjects started behaving themselves, under penalty of displeasing their God, whom they feared. Moses had no other choice, and The Creator knew it. This was another part of The Great Deception, the idea that The Creator has a long list of rules for how all humans are to behave so that The Creator will not come down and smite them dead. It was needed to be believed so that the humans of that time would grow and mature as they needed to. The next phase of human development after the agricultural phase is the industrial phase. Europe went through the Industrial Revolution, and people moved off the farm into the cities to work in the factories. Now it became necessary for The Creator to give the impression that he wasn't there, but The Creator had nowhere to go. The Creator just made it appear that the God of the industrialized citizens was not really interested in what they were doing. This was done by having fewer and fewer appearances of miracles seen by large groups of people. Such images as chariots in the sky, seen by thousands, made them sure God was right there watching everything they were doing. As long as they were farming, they needed to know God was looking after them, as they had to depend on "acts of God," such as rain storms, to nourish their crops. They could not manipulate the weather to their advantage by human means. So they had to have a faith in God, or there would be no reason to plant seeds in the ground. But with the rise of the industrialized states, a new need appeared. That was the need for invention of machinery and the mastering of the tools created by wood and iron. The humans needed to start designing great cities and all the buildings which needed to be in them. They could not rely upon God to make a home or a skyscraper. They had to do it themselves. But humans are fearful of doing new and potentially difficult duties, and The Creator knew that well, as The Creator had made them that way. They needed to have some incentive to take action to build their cities and all the tools that went into them. So The Creator took The Great Deception a step further and had certain humans start declaring traditional beliefs no longer true. One of them was the belief in reincarnation, which had seemed only logical and sensible to humans since they had been on Earth. In "Reincarnation" by Joseph Head and S. L. Cranston, published by Causeway Books, N.Y., in 1967, we have the following quotations: "For fourteen long centuries the dialogue on reincarnation was silenced in orthodox Christendom because it was generally believed that in the year 553 an important church council anathematized (cursed) the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul. While reincarnation and pre- existence (in the limited sense the latter term is used by some churchmen) are not synonymous terms, obviously if pre-existence is false, previous lives on earth are impossible, and by inference future lives also. Evidence advanced by Catholic scholars now throws new light on what actually [sic] occurred at this council, as shall shortly be seen. "In the early centuries of Christian history, many battles were waged over issues of doctrine, church councils being convened to settle disputes. In the sixth century Emperor Justinian declared war against the followers of Origen. At Justinian's instigation it appears that a local synod, which convened in Constantinople in the year 543, condemned the teachings of Origen, and ten years later, in 553, Justinian issued his anathemas against Origen, possibly submitting them for final ratification to an extra-conciliary or unofficial session of the Fifth Ecumenical Council - also called the Second Council of Constantinople. The anathemas cursed, among other teachings of Origen, the doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul. "The Catholic Encyclopedia gives some rather astonishing information concerning this Fifth Ecumenical Council, permitting the conclusion, on at least technical grounds, that there is no barrier to belief in reincarnation for Catholic Christians. With the exception of six Western bishops from Africa, the council was attended entirely by Eastern bishops, no representative from Rome being present. Although Pope Vigilius was in Constantinople at the time, he refused to attend. In fact, the Pope was Justinian's prisoner since November of 545, when he had been kidnaped from Rome. The president of the Council was Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople. 'From the time of Justinian the emperor controlled the patriarch absolutely.'" The reason for Emperor Justinian ordering the churchmen he controlled to curse the idea of reincarnation was to get the humans beings of the day to think they only had this one life to live. If they had no belief that they would come back another day in another body, then they would feel impelled to give their all this time around. That attitude was what was needed to get craftsmen to work hard at their trades and invent and create the objects that needed to be invented and manufactured. This hard work was expected of all humans. If they thought they could avoid it and do it the next time around, it would be all too easy to skimp on working hard this lifetime. This could not be allowed, as too many things had to be invented on The Creator's schedule. An associated erroneous concept is what "born again" means to conservative, fundamentalist Christians today. What Jesus himself meant by this phase is shown in "The Living Bible," John 3:1-13. "After dark one night a Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus, a member of the sect of the Pharisees, came for an interview with Jesus. 'Sir,' he said, 'we all know that God has sent you to teach us. Your miracles are proof enough of this.' "Jesus replied, 'With all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: Unless you are born again, you can never get into the Kingdom of God.' "'Born again!' exclaimed Nicodemus. 'What do you mean? How can an old man go back into his mother's womb and be born again?' "Jesus replied, 'What I am telling you so earnestly is this: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Men can only reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven; so don't be surprised at my statement that you must be born again! Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it will go next, so it is with the Spirit. We do not know on whom he will next bestow this life from Heaven.' "What do you mean?" Nicodemus asked. "Jesus replied, 'You, a respected Jewish teacher, and yet you don't understand these things? I am telling you what I know and have seen and yet you won't believe me. But if you don't even believe me when I tell you about such things that happen here among men, how can you possibly believe if I tell you what is going on in heaven?'" This is what Jesus is alleged to have said, and if he was then controlled by the CIE, it must have been accurate. This sounds like another way of telling Nicodemus just what the CIE have told me about the process of reincarnation. Nicodemus was not seen by Jesus as some sinner who needed to "find Christ to save his soul." He was a senior man of his group, a respected teacher, quite likely living the last of his many incarnations. The Kingdom of God and heaven are synonyms for my term Thoughtspace. What Jesus was telling him was that, when his body died, his Emotional Self would go into God's Kingdom, Thoughtspace, where it would be upgraded to an Essence and be "born again" into another body with a new baby Emotional Self to mentor. "We do not know on whom he will next bestow this life from heaven"sounds as if it is up to the CIE, who work for The Creator, to decide which body and Emotional Self he, as a baby Essence, he will be assigned to for the next series of incarnations. It seems that Jesus was quite aware of how reincarnation works, as has been described currently by the CIE. The current meaning of being "born again" is quite different, as told in Karen Armstrong's "A History of God." She credits the current definition to John Wesley of England. "In 1738 John underwent a conversion experience during a Moravian meeting in a chapel in Aldergate Street, London, which convinced him that he had received a direct mission from God to preach this new kind of Christianity throughout England. Thenceforth he and his disciples toured the country, preaching to the working classes and the peasantry in the markets and fields. "The experience of being 'born again' was crucial. It was 'absolutely necessary' to experience 'God continually breathing, as it were, upon the human soul,' filling the Christian with a 'continual, thankful love to God' that was consciously felt and which made it 'natural and, in a manner, necessary, to love every child of God with kindness, gentleness and long suffering.' Doctrines about God were useless and could be damaging. The psychological effect of Christ's words on the believer was the best proof of the truth of religion. As in Puritanism, an emotional experience of religion was the only proof of genuine faith and hence of salvation. But this mysticism-for-everybody could be dangerous. Mystics had always stressed the perils of the spiritual paths and warned against hysteria: peace and tranquillity were the signs of a true mysticism. This Born-Again Christianity could produce frenzied behavior, as in the violent ecstasies of the Quakers and Shakers. It could also lead to despair; the poet William Cowper (1731-1800) went mad when he no longer felt saved, imagining that this lack of sensation was a sign that he was damned." Another irrational beliefs which had to become accepted to make society get through the industrial age was that humans could solve all problems with the tools of "natural science." Ren‚ Descartes (1589-1650) is often given credit for as one of the first to propound this concept, during the Enlightenment period. According to Karen Armstrong, "Descartes, a mathematician and a convinced Catholic, felt that he had a mission to bring the new empirical rationalism to the fight against such skepticism [that anything was certain or probable]. . . .Descartes attempted to establish an equally analytic demonstration of God's existence. But unlike Aristotle, St. Paul and all previous monotheistic philosophers, he found the cosmos completely Godless. There was no design in nature. In fact the universe was chaotic and revealed no sign of intelligent planning. . . . Descartes would explain clouds, wind, dew and lightning as mere physical events in order, as he explained, to remove 'any cause to marvel.' [God] was revealed not in the miracles described in scripture but in the eternal laws that he had ordained. . . . Descartes was always careful to submit to the rulings of the Roman Catholic Church and saw himself as an orthodox Christian. He saw no contradiction between faith and reason. In his treatise Discourse on Method, he argued that there was a system that would enable humanity to reach all truth. Nothing lay beyond its grasp. All that was necessary in any discipline was to apply the method and it would then be possible to piece together a reliable body of knowledge that would disperse all confusion and ignorance." Another great scientists of that era was Isaac Newton. Karen Armstrong reports this about him. "The English physicist Isaac Newton (1642-1727), who also reduced God to his own mechanical system, was equally anxious to rid Christianity of mystery. His starting point was mechanics, not mathematics, because a scientist had to learn to draw a circle accurately before he could master geometry. . . . In his great work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia (The Principles of Natural Philosophy, 1687), Newton wanted to describe the relations between the various celestial and terrestrial bodies in mathematical terms in such a way as to create a coherent and comprehensive system. The notion of gravitational force, which Newton introduced, drew the component parts of his system together." The problem of integrating gravity with the other forces of Physicalspace is still being worked on, in a search for The Theory of Everything. Another one was the idea that there is only one universe, which I call Physicalspace. Even today, quantum physicists are struggling with that problem, as their formulae show them that there must be more than one, or their calculations don't make sense. Those who call themselves "physicalists, emotionally "know" that this physical world is all there is, but when the smartest ones do their calculations, they can't make the numbers match up that way. That is why they talk about there being "hyperspace" which is connected to this universe by a "wormhole." It has to be, for their formulae to make any sense to them. Michio Kaku wrote his book, "Hyperspace," at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, where Einstein spent the last decades of his life. In the preface, he writes, "Similarly, the laws of gravity and light seem totally dissimilar. They obey different physical assumptions and different mathematics. Attempts to splice these two forces have always failed. However, if we add one more dimension, a fifth dimension, to the previous four dimensions of space and time, then the equations governing light and gravity appear to merge together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Light, in fact, can be explained as vibrations in the fifth dimension. In this way, we see that the laws of light and gravity become simpler in five dimensions. "Consequently, many physicists are now convinced that a conventional four-dimensional theory is 'too small' to describe adequately the forces that describe our universe. In a four- dimensional theory, physicists have to squeeze the forces of nature in a clumsy, unnatural fashion. Furthermore, this hybrid theory is incorrect. When expressed in dimensions beyond four, however, we have 'enough room' to explain the fundamental forces in an elegant, self-contained fashion." Another "scientific" belief which is challenged by fundamentalist Christians is what is called Darwinian Evolution. We are told that Charles Darwin was correct in writing that the human species evolved from a common ancestor of humans and apes. In contrast, Charity has repeatedly stated The Creator made humans ex nihilo (from nothing), which was the Christian orthodox view sometime after the ninth century. She says there have been two species of humans, the first one being hairy, and the second one being as we are. She says there is no connection between us and apes or monkeys, who were created by The Creator for their own purposes. Karen Armstrong writes on the subject: "Similarly, the literal understanding of God and scripture made the faith of many Christians vulnerable to the scientific discoveries of the period. Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1830-33), which revealed the vast perspectives of geological time, and Charles Darwin's The Origin of the Species (1859), which put forward the evolutionary hypothesis, seemed to contradict the biblical account of creation in Genesis. Since Newton, creation had been central to much Western understanding of God, and people had lost sight of the fact that the biblical story had never been intended as a literal account of the physical origins of the universe. Indeed, the doctrine of creation ex nihilo had long been problematic and had entered Judaism and Christianity relatively late; in Islam the creation of the world by al-Lah is taken for granted, but there is no detailed discussion of how this happened." Charity reports that Darwin realized the error of his evolutionary hypothesis shortly before his death, but he was too physically ill to write or speak about his change of heart to anyone. He is now a part of The Great Teacher and would like humans to realize he did make a mistake. With the exception of Buddhism, which is a philosophy instead of a religion, the deeply held beliefs of all the world's religions are all part of The Creator's Great Deception. The Creator did not create any of these religions -- men did. The most obvious example is Scientology, whose "theology" was written by a recently deceased science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard. Another founder is Joseph Smith, who started The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormonism. When I first read the story of how he found all this information on tablets in the ground, I could see impressive parallels to the stories my paranoid schizophrenic patients were telling me during my psychiatric residency. His claim that Jesus spent years in South America after his crucifixion in Israel has no support from historical findings or the CIE I have talked to. This is not to disparage the value of these religions to those who embrace them. All were sanctioned by The Creator to benefit those who need to believe those ways. But that does not make their stories true, in the sense of conforming to the reality known to The Creator and the CIE. But the thousands of years of existence of The Great Deception are now coming to a close, according to Charity, who is the project manager for The Creator on this particular task. We are now moving from the Industrial Age into the Information Age. The borders between countries are now being blurred with international travel and the existence of the Internet. We know how to build big buildings and space ships. We will not unlearn that. But the obvious awakening of human desires for spiritual development instead of financial benefits is evident in our TV programs, movies and books. All of the angel stories coming out now are all part of the project of bringing to a close The Great Deception and bringing back human awareness of the existence of the human Essence and the CIE who supervise each one. God, The Creator, is not dead. The Creator has just been manipulating behind the scenes, as always, keeping the spiritual truths from getting in the way of our need to do what we should do for ourselves. The Creator and CIE have no interest in doing for us what we should do for ourselves. "God helps those who help themselves." There is a long way to go before The Great Deception comes to a close. Incorrect beliefs will abound as long as there are spiritually immature humans who need to have them. Over time, children will be born who will not belief the false concepts of their parents and they will be able to live comfortably with the ideas that were known to the members of the hunter-gather tribes. This is not to be criticized as a return to "more primitive thinking" but as a realization that those pre- industrial humans were necessarily more aware of the nonmaterial aspects of their world than we have been in our agricultural and industrial world scenes. We should not be so arrogant as to think that humans in ages gone by were stupid and we, being modern, are smart. Nothing is further from the truth. There were many wise and talented humans in many places in many times in the ancient cultures. They knew how to cooperate with the CIE and learn from them, something we have refused to do in our allegedly "modern and enlightened" society. It is time we started seeing what is out there and trying to comprehend it. We have much to learn.

  Copyright© 2024 - Ralph B. Allison